6 Things That Make Entrepreneurship Seem Extremely Difficult

Entrepreneurship is a complex career. In order to become successful as an entrepreneur, you will have to work extremely hard. There are so many things that can motivate you to get that work up and running. If you are motivated enough, you can be sure that you will be able to get a business started. Motivation is not the only thing you need though. You should be a good planner and a person who is ready to tackle the challenges that come with starting a business. People are starting businesses at just about any age nowadays. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not need billions to create a business.

If there is one thing that is true about entrepreneurship, it is that you have to work extremely hard. You will be the last person to leave the office and probably the first one to walk in. There are so many challenges that will come your way but it will all be worthwhile. Before going into these things that will make your life a difficult one as an entrepreneur, it is worth pointing out that you should always ‘follow your gut’. It is one of the best things that you can do as an entrepreneur.

Challenges that come with entrepreneurship

When you start your business you should not expect it to be a bed of red roses or something fancy. There are things you will have to grapple with, some of them will be business related while others will be personal issues. With a little help, you should not have much trouble with these things though. The most annoying things about business include:

1. Stress



There are people who get stressed very easily, while others will need some serious amount of pressure to be placed on them before they can crack. Well, the point is not to crack. It is important to learn how to deal with stress by getting several outlets like working out, eating healthy, strengthening your mind, etc. These will help a little bit. And it always helps to have someone to talk to about your daily stressors.

Dealing with stress is part of your job description as an entrepreneur. You will not only be dealing with your own personal stress but you will have to carry your employees, clients and even your own family’s stress. Your days are going to be erratic and up and down. This day will be awesome, the next one will be hard. You simply need to learn how to deal with stress.

2. Personal Relationships



Outside the office, you are just another person with the need to associate like every one human being. The problem is that your job is going to take up a lot of your time. This is the case especially when you are just starting out. Most of your time will be spent in meetings with clients, employees, prospective investors and so forth.  It is these personal relationships that offer a support system for you and generally that of your business.

For instance, if you decide to start a remote database administration service company, then you will spend a lot of time in the office. Since businesses require management of their databases, you can be sure that you will always have work to do. If you strive to provide the best DBA expert services, you can be sure that your company will be a popular one. You will have to stay in the office longer, together with your employees. Your family might miss you during holiday dinners and family parties, you will not be around. It helps to have strong personal relationships.

3. Finances




You will have to forgo a lot of things so that your business can be financially sound.  Money is such a big issue in business. There are things that you will just have to do without so that your business can get funds for this activity or the other. Working for money is not what you should be doing though. Let your money work for you.

4. Time


Tired & headache asian businessman work overtime

Time is not available for everything you want to do. This is why you will be missing those dinners and parties to make sure that your dreams are seen through. There will never be enough time in the day. Even if you were given 48 hours in a day, as an entrepreneur you will always have something that needs to be done. It is up to you to know when to do what needs to be done, because you will not be having anyone watching over you and guiding you.

5. Customers


customer idea bulb with related words handwritten on blackboard

Your customers are necessary for your business. They are the ones who run your business. You have to meet their demands, or you are out of business. Building the business is one thing, but keeping it running is the real challenge. You need to learn to manage the expectations of your client and the sales plus so much more. The goal is to make your customers happy.

6. Amount of Sleep


Woman sleeping in a bed in a dark bedroom

There are those times that you will find yourself sleeping for less than one hour. They say that little sleep and poverty will sneak up on you like a thief. Well, the Bible says something like that. You need at least 6 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is very important for the functioning of the body. You will never be able to function properly if you lack sleep. It is during sleep, that your body recovers from the challenges of the day.

If it is possible, set aside a few minutes after your lunch and close your eyes. You do not have to fall asleep but resting your head does help to recharge your batteries. This is important if you want to become successful in business.


There are so many things that will change when you become an entrepreneur. However, if you want to be successful, you will have to take them into account. They might be challenging but then they are worthwhile. If you are used to waking up at 9am and getting to work at ten, then this will change. You will have to learn to manage your time in order to get things done.

Sujain Thomas is a data IT professional who works closely with DBA experts to provide her clients with fantastic solutions to their data problems. If you need data IT solutions, she is the person for the job.

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